An Important Lesson I
Learned Growing Up
By. S. L. Kliever
Never let anger in your home! I think that was the most
important lesion I learned growing up!
Anger is
like a disease! Once it has a foothold in the home it spreads to others and the
end result is terrible! When one person is angry towards others, it breads for
bitterness, resentment, and anger towards that person. A never ending circle of
destruction! Yelling and shouting in anger does not accomplish any good!
If it is the adult in the family who is the angry person, it
only encourages rebellion and resentment to authority in the children. If it is
the children with the anger problem it needs to be dealt with immediately and properly and not in anger.
Proverbs 22:6 “Train up a child in the way he should go: and
when he is old, he will not depart from it.”
Ephesians 4;26-27 “Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun
go down upon your wrath: Neither give place to the devil.”
Children learn by watching. If there is anger allowed in the
home, they will learn that being angry (shouting, yelling, screaming) is
`ok’. The moment anger is allowed to
gain a hold in a family, Satan has ground in that home! “Neither give place to
the devil” is a serious warning!
I was sixteen when I realized I had an anger problem.
Thankfully, by the grace of God and by His help, I overcame that deadly
problem. My family too realized what was
happening, and my parents dealt with the issue, asking forgiveness, and praying
for that ground to be given back to the Lord.
I think that was the most important lesson I learned growing