From the Praying Mama
I just had `one of those’ days. It wasn’t a nice day. Then I
came on here to post for my blog, and I had this (below) ready. Having a sick toddler
made the day hard, but now my own post is reminding me to rejoice in the
goodness of the Lord and all he’s done for me.
1 Thessalonians 5:
Rejoice evermore. Pray
without ceasing. In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in
Christ Jesus concerning you.
“God heal this sickness.”
“I’m just so fed up with so and so, make it go away.”
“If you make this happen, I’ll do this for you.”
“If you love me, you wouldn’t have let this happen!”
Been there?
Yah, and then we read “Rejoice evermore. Pray without
ceasing. In every thing give thanks.”
It’s really not about us. None of this is.
I’ll be honest. I’ve questioned God. I’ve asked “Why God?”
I’ve wanted him to heal someone. I’ve wanted something I didn’t really
need. I’ve been fed up with people or
situations beyond my control.
Here’s what I’ve learned. (At least I like to think I’ve
learned it) When I’m in a hard time in life, when things aren’t going my way,
am I
- praying for God’s will or my own?
- needing an attitude check?
- rejoicing in everything?
- giving thanks?
Verse 19 of this Bible passage says, “Quench not the Spirit”
In other words, are we listening to God’s Spirit? It’s not
about us or getting what we want.
It’s hard to rejoice when a friend dies and you see her
family grieving. Or, that terrible things are happening to fellow Christians in
other parts of the world. When family members or oneself have to go through
struggles or finances aren’t there for daily needs. It’s hard to watch and
experience that.
I have found that my joy is manifold, if when I stop to pray
for requests, I think of all the good things the Lord has done for me that day
and take the time to thank Him for each.
“Thank you Lord for food to eat, and not just that we have
food, but variety; that we have money to buy the food; that we have money to
buy wants, not just needs! Thank you Lord for a roof overhead. For warmth. For
two vehicles. For a loving husband. That he has a job. For friends who are
there for me. For Family. For the telephone….”
Yep, we have sooooooooo much to be thankful for and all
these everyday things we often take for granted!
When I am thankful in prayer, it may not salve the immediate
problem, but things are no longer so dark, I see the light at the end of the
tunnel, and I see God’s hand at work.
Rejoice always…. In everything give thanks!
S.L. Kliever