Monday, February 23, 2015

Praying Mama Part 4

From the Praying Mama
I just had `one of those’ days. It wasn’t a nice day. Then I came on here to post for my blog, and I had this (below) ready. Having a sick toddler made the day hard, but now my own post is reminding me to rejoice in the goodness of the Lord and all he’s done for me.

1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18
Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

“God heal this sickness.”
“I’m just so fed up with so and so, make it go away.”
“If you make this happen, I’ll do this for you.”
“If you love me, you wouldn’t have let this happen!”

Been there?
Yah, and then we read “Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. In every thing give thanks.”
It’s really not about us. None of this is.

I’ll be honest. I’ve questioned God. I’ve asked “Why God?” I’ve wanted him to heal someone. I’ve wanted something I didn’t really need.  I’ve been fed up with people or situations beyond my control.

Here’s what I’ve learned. (At least I like to think I’ve learned it) When I’m in a hard time in life, when things aren’t going my way, am I
  1. praying for God’s will or my own?
  2. needing an attitude check?
  3. rejoicing in everything?
  4. giving thanks?

Verse 19 of this Bible passage says, “Quench  not the Spirit”
In other words, are we listening to God’s Spirit? It’s not about us or getting what we want.

It’s hard to rejoice when a friend dies and you see her family grieving. Or, that terrible things are happening to fellow Christians in other parts of the world. When family members or oneself have to go through struggles or finances aren’t there for daily needs. It’s hard to watch and experience that.

I have found that my joy is manifold, if when I stop to pray for requests, I think of all the good things the Lord has done for me that day and take the time to thank Him for each.
“Thank you Lord for food to eat, and not just that we have food, but variety; that we have money to buy the food; that we have money to buy wants, not just needs! Thank you Lord for a roof overhead. For warmth. For two vehicles. For a loving husband. That he has a job. For friends who are there for me. For Family. For the telephone….”

Yep, we have sooooooooo much to be thankful for and all these everyday things we often take for granted!

When I am thankful in prayer, it may not salve the immediate problem, but things are no longer so dark, I see the light at the end of the tunnel, and I see God’s hand at work.

Rejoice always…. In everything give thanks!

S.L. Kliever

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Craft for the Month of February

 With Valentines day coming up, I thought I'd post this....

Ever heard of a Smash book?

basically it's scrap-booking the easy way. you just smash it together, no worries about perfect elegant looking pages. some people even journal smash book... journaling and scraping together.

the moment I saw the idea of a smash book, I was like... I want to try that with something!!!

you can buy smash books or a note book to smash book in... I used an old notebook that didn't have very many pages left and added pages from scrapbooking paper, as well as covering up the notebook cover with scrapbooking paper, to form a beautiful smash book. I had it made in 1 hr!

 the cover.... notice I used black marker to cover up the orange near the spiral
and you may notice how few pages it has
 next I took my favourite scrapbooking paper and cut each 12X12 in half, then took off the bottom 2 in, 
this made each new page the same size as my notebook page
 then I glued a scrapbook page to a notebook page by just folding over enough on the edge to make it stick... about 1/4 in
 the finished smash book
what do I use it for? ..... that I can't show you ;) it now holds all our love notes and letters from dating till now as well as a few pictures of my husband and me. A Lovenote Smash book! :D
A treasure keepsake

Happy Crafting

S.L. Kliever

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Praying Mama Part 3

From the Praying Mama

There are alarming things happening in marriages and families today in the church. I shudder at the thought of what Satan is accomplishing.

I think `we have had it too soft in our land, we are free from persecution, so Satan attacks another way!’

Men are bombarded with porn. Women with fads. Our culture tells people, it’s all about “Me!” “You deserve this, or that” “Treat Yourself”
We no longer know how to serve one another. It’s more look out for #1 even within marriage.

My husband and I feel the need to pray for our marriage more and more, even though we feel we have it good. We have to be on guard against things that would come between us. Not that we have it all figured out, but we know the importance of prayer in helping us wear our armour and being on guard for each other. We need to remember who the real enemy is, and it’s not each other.
So here are some things we pray for, I hope this blesses you as well.

We pray for…
My husband, that God would help him to stay strong, wear his spiritual armour and guard his eyes.
For me, that I would be the wife and mother God would have me be, and that I would keep my emotions grounded on the rock, Christ.
That our marriage would stay grounded in the Lord, that we would wear our spiritual armour, pray for each other when we’re together and apart, and that we would seek ways to keep the romance alive.
Our home, that it would be a refuge from the world, that we would fill our home with godly things, and not give place to the devil.
Our children, that the Lord would put a hedge of protection around them, and that we would be on guard spiritually for them.

 S.L. Kliever