Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Greek Yogurt Desert

Greek Yogurt desert  (Ever made up a recipe that turned out?)
2 Cup Cracker crumbs (or Honey wafer crumbs)
¼ C Butter
2 T Honey
2 Cups of Greek Yogurt (if plain yogurt, add 1 T Honey)
2 Cup chopped strawberries.
Mix crumbs, butter and honey in the bottom of a 9X9 pan. ( you can add peanut butter to it too if you like) when it is well mixed, firmly pat down in the bottom.
Place chopped strawberries on top and Greek yogurt on top of that. Chill and enjoy.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Craft for the month of October

With fall comes cooler nights, so here is my `craft’ for the month of Oct… though it is more of a quick and easy sewing project.
My 5 mo. old loves to wiggle out of his blankets during the night and then wakes up cold and in turn wakes us up! If he stays warm he sleeps through the night. I tried a bunting bag (the kind that goes in a car seat) but he managed to wiggle out the top. I needed something that would keep him in!
So I searched Pinterest and found there were all kinds of baby sleeping bags to be made.
This was the quickest and easiest one I could make. I didn’t find one like it on Pinterest, but I got the idea for it from looking at all the others.
First I hunted for a blanket at the second hand store. It had to be just right! Fleece so I would have minimal sewing. Fleece doesn’t rip or fray and it’s nice and warm for baby.

I folded it in thirds, but that was too small, so in the end I only had the two sides over lap in the front. Next I sewed the bottom shut. That was all I did with the sewing machine. Then I sewed on buttons and made small cuts for the button holes. You’ll notice from the picture I turned down the upper corners so that it’s away from baby’s face and I sewed on buttons there to hold the flaps down. Last but no least, I cut arm holes.
This sleeping bag works! He now stays tucked in, no blanket in the face and he can’t wiggle out!

Monday, October 6, 2014

What is a Biblical Woman?

Amy Carmichael was a missionary to India, single woman, a spiritual leader, and `mother’ to orphans.

Glades Allworth was a missionary to China, single women, a spiritual leader, government worker and care taker to orphans and `adopted mother’

Debora was a prophetess to the nation of Israel, a wife and perhaps a mother

Corrie Ten Boon lived at home with her father, had a ministry to special needs children, hid Jews during WW2, and later became a public speaker.

Dorcas or Tabitha, had a ministry to the poor.

Lydia, was a merchant and woman of prayer.

Priscilla was a tent maker with her husband.


Not one of these ladies is the same. In fact each women in the Bible has a different story and role to play. In our society, careers are expected and often motherhood is looked down on. In contrast to that, in many homeschool movements daughters are expected to stay in the home till married off and are not encouraged to get a further education or career.


But what really is biblical?


What is right for one person, may not be right for another. We are not cookie cutter people. God has given to each person, male and female roles to play in their life time. Each person should follow the dictates of his or her conscience and follow God’s leading, whatever that may in tell.

We should be focused so much on our Saviour that His leading is what we follow, not what people around us expect. And I say that to society and to parents. If God is calling your young women to missions or to a job or career or to stay at home for a while, or go to Bible school, whatever it may be, we need to be supportive of them and not get in the way of what God may have for them.


To my understanding, it should not be about a career being right or wrong, or a young woman staying in her parent’s home being right or wrong, but what is God leading you to do?


S.L. Kliever