Monday, October 6, 2014

What is a Biblical Woman?

Amy Carmichael was a missionary to India, single woman, a spiritual leader, and `mother’ to orphans.

Glades Allworth was a missionary to China, single women, a spiritual leader, government worker and care taker to orphans and `adopted mother’

Debora was a prophetess to the nation of Israel, a wife and perhaps a mother

Corrie Ten Boon lived at home with her father, had a ministry to special needs children, hid Jews during WW2, and later became a public speaker.

Dorcas or Tabitha, had a ministry to the poor.

Lydia, was a merchant and woman of prayer.

Priscilla was a tent maker with her husband.


Not one of these ladies is the same. In fact each women in the Bible has a different story and role to play. In our society, careers are expected and often motherhood is looked down on. In contrast to that, in many homeschool movements daughters are expected to stay in the home till married off and are not encouraged to get a further education or career.


But what really is biblical?


What is right for one person, may not be right for another. We are not cookie cutter people. God has given to each person, male and female roles to play in their life time. Each person should follow the dictates of his or her conscience and follow God’s leading, whatever that may in tell.

We should be focused so much on our Saviour that His leading is what we follow, not what people around us expect. And I say that to society and to parents. If God is calling your young women to missions or to a job or career or to stay at home for a while, or go to Bible school, whatever it may be, we need to be supportive of them and not get in the way of what God may have for them.


To my understanding, it should not be about a career being right or wrong, or a young woman staying in her parent’s home being right or wrong, but what is God leading you to do?


S.L. Kliever


  1. Comments anyone?
    What is your story?
    Where has God led you?

  2. Very good. I quite agree that the Lord can lead different people in different directions. He wishes to prepare us to do His Work in His Way. If we stay in His Word we can know what His leading is for each one of us.
