Friday, June 23, 2017

Preschool in progress! Part 4

The one thing I like most about Preschool, is that it doesn’t have to be complicated.  We just find things we like and use them. Recently the kids 'discovered' the library when I took them there for a visit. My daughter told me "I like this store!" Well, I'm glad they like books too!!

Here's a few of our favourite books that we read around our house.

Cowgirl Kate... these are some of my favourite, probably because they are humorous and the little girl is a responsible farm girl!
 Like me, my kids love the pictures in these books, I'm hoping that one day they'll take off reading the simple words.
 My Grandma Kliever introduced these books to me when I was little. I have all of one casset tape and have not been able to find more of the old tapes. I would love to get my hands on the tapes as the kids love listening to the stories. The top two books there are reprints of 8 of the original story books, and a CD can be bought to listen to these stories, though they are not the original tape recordings.
 Another favourite from my growing up years and for a while I had to read this one every night to my daughter!
 The kids love these ones, if not for the stories, the pictures. Miss Potter was a genius with pictures and stories!
 One or more of these Bible stories gets read every night. The kids love the Muffin Family bible story books, and I hope to find more for them.
 As for actual preschool work, my Mom picked this up for me at a second hand store for free, and my daughter loves it when we turn on the old tapes and she can say the sounds with the flash cards.
 I wonder if there are old CDs some where that I could get my hands on, but needless to say, it has been a good asset and probably will be in the future.

On that note, I would highly recommend The Reading Bear website. It has videos for the kids to watch and helps them sound out simple words, with an explanation of what the word means as well. The kids think they're being entertained, and I know they're learning!
 Another gift for the kids and something that has been added to the fun list of things we do around here. I like it cause it's MESS FREE!!!! And what mom doesn’t like that!
well, there you have it, another peep into our preschool!

S.L. Kliever

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