Wednesday, November 6, 2019

School in Progress Part 10

The School year is well into swing, and here's a look at what we're up to.

Penmanship with fun wipe-able books!
 Science made easy with these DVDs, and a Math DVD to reinforce what we're learning.
I like these for one big reason, less book work. Plus this really grabs the kids attention.
 Aside from Sing,Spell,Read and Write, here are a few of the other phonics books we've been using and are working well for us. Evan Moor has some great books.
One of their best features is the fact you are allowed to photocopy pages for multiple students, so that has worked well for us.
 The favorite book in his bunch is the Draw and Write.
 They really like they're Geography and these writing books are really good to help them get the basics of story telling/writing sentences. I like Word A Day, because it helps them learn new words.
 These are also some of their favorites. By the end of each lesson they are able to read a whole list of words.
 I wish I had started with this math last year. Very nice workbooks and they like them to boot, so that's a plus.
 This science book focus' on the human body and nature, and the kids are liking it.
And of course the Cleaning Zone, (should I say mom's favorite?) has given them a new look at cleaning and helps it not be overwhelming.

And that's it so far. What are you doing in school?

I have stuck to only 2 hours of school a day, and that has helped in a lot of ways. 
1. Not overwhelming for them.
2. Time to do fun things, like art.
3. Easy for mom, and I have time to rest.
4. They retain what they're taught better when they don't get overload.
We also have a fun school day, once a week, where we do all the fun stuff, experiments, art, learning DVDs or other educational videos. 

Happy Schooling!

S.L. Kliever

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