Lies lead us away from God. Truth brings us to God.
So if you find yourself going farther and farther away from God, stop and ask yourself what you are believing?
The World, movies, media etc... will fill your head with their ‘truth’. But we all know who the ruler of this world is. Satan. The father of lies.
My Aunt use to say, “Junk in, junk out.”
So what are you believing today that is making you question your life and God?
If the Truth makes you uncomfortable. If you find you don’t like being around those who hold to the Bible, if you have all sorts of self-righteous arguments as to why they are wrong and you are right, and yet you are going farther and farther away from God....
What lies are you believing?
Now immediately you will become defensive at all this. You will argue and try to shoot down what is being said here.
Please take a deep breath and instead ask God to show you the truth as you read.
In this battle over good and evil, we are either on one side or the other, right? I don’t know about you, but I want to always be on God’s side. How does a person know if they are truly on the right side, on God’s side?
By being so close to God, by being in His word, that we are saturated by His word. To live and breath it.
“And you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.” John 8:32
Like my aunt said, “junk in, junk out.” What are we feeding ourselves with? If it’s God’s word, we will be hearing His voice and following Him. But if we’re filling ourselves with media, movies, ‘worldly wisdom’, it will be tainted with lies and we will be driven farther and farther away from the Lord.
And the farther we get from Him, the more confused we get. The more we question Him and everything around us.
Satan’s goal is to bring us down with him. He will do anything to destroy us.
He tells you, your identity is in your sexuality.
But your identity is In Christ, a child of God.
He tells you that you are the victim.
But God wishes for you to be free from that baggage and to grow stronger because of it.
He tells you that your spouse is the enemy.
But really Satan is.
He tells you your anger is justified. It’s OK to yell and scream at your kids or others.
But God says be angry and do not sin.
He tells you God doesn't really care, because He let that bad thing happen to you.
Satan and his evil were behind that bad thing, and God wishes to heal you from it.
He tells you through the World that you deserve to be happy and that is all that matters.
But our all Holy, all Powerful God, Creator of Heaven and Earth created you to glorify Him.
He’ll tell you you can’t be happy in following God, so leave the church and be happy.
But the happiness you feel will be hallow and unfulfilling, because the God shape hole in us can not be filled with anything BUT God.
In God we can be happy and fulfilled. In God we will have healing and true meaning. In God we are His child, royalty. We are loved. We are wanted. We are whole.
And... Satan doesn't want us to know or feel those. He wants to destroy what God loves.
So he tells you these lies.
One. At. A. Time.
Until he has trapped you and pulled you farther and farther away from God. Until you see the world’s way as the right way, and God’s way as the wrong way. Until you see upside down as right side up.
“And you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.” John 8:32
You want to be free? You want peace?
Turn to God.
Anxiety has you trapped?
No, Satan has you trapped.
Turn to God.
Choose this day who you will listen to. When you start questioning things, go to God’s word in prayer. He will answer.
So if you are a believer and you are feeling far away from God. You say God hasn’t given you healing, or fulfillment or happiness, then my challenge to you would be who are you listening to?
As God confronts you with what needs to change, confess each sin, doubt, fear or lie to Him. Let His truth fill those places where the lie used to reside, and ask Him to wipe you clean.
Then when Satan comes to attack, tell him to get out. You can command him in Jesus Christ name to leave.
Through God’s power and might you can have freedom in Christ.
You have God’s power, through His Son’s Name. The Lord Jesus Christ, to command each sin, doubt, fear or lie to leave you.
Acts 4:12 “Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.”
You want a true Hero to save you?
Run to God.
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