Thursday, January 22, 2015

Craft for the Month of January

You might think because I do crafts and such, I have lots of time on my hands.... nope!  lots of these are just done, a little bit here and a little bit there or when my kidos are napping or in bed for the night.

here is one you may like

A Cardboard Playhouse made with Duck tape!

First you need some big boxes
 I cut the biggest box open, down one side
 then cutting up the other box, I took it's two end pieces for the roof, and taped them in place
 Next I cut out my door and windows... as you can see someone was already enjoying her little house
 Then I covered it in duck tape
 Finished product!
 I was going to build her a kitchen out of a box or two and haven't got around to it!
Guess I'm a busy mommy!

Happy Crafting!

S.L. Kliever

Friday, January 16, 2015

Praying Mama Part 2

From the Praying Mama

I don’t know about you… but as a mother, sometimes finding time to spend with the Lord each day can be a challenge. From the first crack of dawn, I’m on the go. Nurse the baby, get breakfast, feed the toddler, clean up, change diapers, do dishes, take a breather… change diapers again, put someone down for a nap, pick someone up from a nap, change diapers, nurse, feed, take time to play or read with them, start supper, give a snack, nurse, change diapers… you get the picture. On and on it goes.

I’ve always had a hard time sitting down and concentrating on praying for all the people who have asked for prayer… my mind wonders or I get sleepy.
But here’s something I learned during my Bible camp days. Prayer Journal!

I sit down and I pray journal. Writing down the prayer as I pray it keeps me focused and I have been blessed to see the record of how God has answered prayers, time and time again. Sometimes the prayers are short, sometimes long.
When a friend asks for prayer, I make a mental note to pray for them in my journal.

My prayer journals have been such a blessing over and over again.
Not only is it a record of our (my husband and I) love story, how God brought us together and led us, but how he has answered prayers for family members, or friends. It is also a record of the joys of anticipating our two children as I went through the ups and downs emotionally that pregnancy brings.

I also hope that someday they will be a blessing to my children to see how mama prayed for them!

Something I am doing special for each of my children, is a journal for them.
I write
            1. how I chose their name
            2. the meaning of their name
            3. memorable moments with them
            4. a prayer I have prayed for them
            5. encouraging letters to them
And I hope to put photos and other special things as well, but the main reason I write these Journals is to encourage them on in the Lord when they are old enough to some day read these scribbling from their mother.

I hope this will be encouraging to others as well

 S.L. Kliever

Monday, January 5, 2015

Praying Mama part 1

From the Praying Mama

Have you ever heard someone say “Guess all we can do is pray” like we should be doing more, but since we can’t, we’ll have to pray about it?
Does it ever occru to anyone that praying is the BETTER thing to do? That sometimes God wants us to PRAY Period! He will do the DOING, He wants us to trust Him with that, our job is the PRAYING!

I have said this phrase myself. “Guess all we can do is pray” and it keeps striking me how funny that sounds. Maybe we should say, “Our work is to be praying right now.”

I have two babies. One almost 2 years and the other going on 8 months as I write this. I see the news headlines and think what a terrible world my children are growing up in!
How are they going to face this all when they’re older… or will they have to face some terrible things before they are `old enough’ too?
I don’t know what your fears for your children are, maybe they are different from mine, but I do know one thing.

I must do my part… and leave the rest up to God. (Easier said than done some days, yes!)

Part of doing my part, is praying for my children.

We need more praying Mamas!

Yes we, (my husband and I) need to ground them in the Word of God. To teach them the simple things like `Jesus Loves Me’ or “Let’s thank God for our food”.
But the most important thing we can do for our children is pray for them.

So when my baby wakes me in the night and I’m cuddling him in my arms, I pray he will one day grow to be a godly man who loves God with all his heart.
When my little toddler is looking up into mommies face and chattering away something I don’t understand, I smile and nod, pretending I do and I pray… that she will be a woman of God some day, and have a heart of compassion and love for others.
When my baby is constantly fussing and I pack him on my hip as I try to do a few things around the house, I pray he will be a strong man, a protector, a rock for the weak.
When my little girl says “No” to mommy and starts heading the other way, I pray she will not only learn to obey my voice, but her Heavenly Father’s voice.
When he giggles and laughs, I want him to always find his joy in the Lord… all his days.
When she ever so softly from her crib calls “Mommy” or “Daddy” in the morning, I pray she will be a prayer warrior some day.

Mommies and Daddies… pray for them! It’s the greater work!

S.L. Kliever