Sunday, November 29, 2015

A Message from a baby...

Not Worthy
On Oct 30th of this year 2015, my nephew was born into this world. His name is Joshua William. His name means `Because God is my Salvation, I am a strong willed warrior’. He was born with Trisomy 18.
That’s not the saddest part. The saddest part is that before his birth, some of the doctors didn’t see his life as worth anything.

Seems in our world we can’t look past the defects. We think we know it all. We know what kind of people are normal and what aren’t and we measure by that standard. We measure everything by that standard, even our love.

I find it very ironic, that in this sin sick world, truth be told none of us are worthy to `live’.
Romans 6:23 says “For the wages of sin is death!”
God set this standard, and the standard says, the penalty for sin is death. This is an eternal death, one spent in hellfire.

How depressing you say?

Well, there is good news folks! The rest of the verse above says, “…But the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord!”

Over 2000 years a go, a tiny baby was born to a virgin named Mary in the town of Bethlehem. A Miracle! God knew from the beginning when Adam and Eve sinned, that He would make a way for Salvation for all mankind. God would come to earth in the form of baby, as Jesus, and he would live a sinless life and then die (take the penalty) for all the human race!

This Christmas I have one message to all of you, John 3:16
“For God so loved the world (you!) that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him, shall not perish, but have everlasting life”

God’s love is not measured by our defects. The penalty for our defect (sin) is death, but He as a loving God, also made a way for our Salvation. He loves us while we are still in our sin. He offers a gift to you, the gift of eternal life in Heaven with Him. What must we do to accept this gift?

Romans 10:9-11 says “If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart man believes unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. For the scripture says, whoever believes on Him shall not be ashamed.”

Confess your sin to God, ask for forgiveness, and believe that Jesus Christ is Lord.

I find it so incredible that my brother and his wife had picked out Joshua William as the name for their son, long before he was even in existence. God knew that this little one would be born fighting for his life, and he knew what name they would pick. `Because God is my Salvation, I am a strong willed warrior’.
This whole situation spoke one thing to me; God knows the sinful state we are born in. He knows what a mess we’ve made of the world, and yet, He is our Salvation! And in HIM we truly live!!!

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Recipe for the month of November

I sometimes see recipes on Pinterest and am like, `hm, that looks good' but we don't have all the ingredients, so I make up my own recipe as I go along. Here's one I did.

Asparagus, Beef and Rice 
1 lb Beef
1 large Onion
Handful of Mushrooms chopped
6or8 Asparagus chopped
Salt and Pepper to tast
2 Garlic cloves 

Cook in sauce pan with a cup of water. 
If desired, add 2 T of Cornstarch to 1/2 C of water and mix into the meat to create gravy sauce. 

Cook 2 Cups of rice in a separate pot and serve together with the meat dish!

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Craft for the Month of November! --- OCC shoebox dress

Hi! it's that time of year again where we pack shoe boxes!
This year I pulled out some scrap cloth that I picked up from the second hand store, and sewed a `pillowcase' dress for a 2-4 year old girl.

Take a look!
yah I know... looks so pretty!!! I would love to keep it, but I know it will make some little girl who maybe doesn't have a dress, happy, much more than it would my 2 year old who has a row of dresses in her closet.

It was so easy to make!!! I followed these instructions on this blog.

It actually was way too long, cause I wasn't using a pillow case, but material about the same width, so I hemmed it up... maybe if it doesn't wear out by the time the little girl grows, it can be let down!

anyway, just an encouragement to you all out there, pack a shoe box!