Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Craft for February

More doll house furnishings! Cause who doesn't like dollhouses!

Here's a few of my favorites... a home made Calico Critter piano ...
 and some home made plates from buttons!
to start off, I searched on line (Pinterest) for doll house plates that I could print off. 
There were all sorts of kinds, some really nice ones too, but I choice Minnie Mouse, because these are for my daughter's doll house. I printed them off (I only had black and white ink, but these would be great in color!!) cut them out and Mod Podged them on to the buttons with a paint brush and let dry.
 (these should not be given to toddlers!!! they end up in the mouth!)
 Curtains for the doll house!
Started out by making my curtain rods.
 I wanted something simple, so I found some lace, hot glued it on to my sticks in ruffles and wala!
 I then hot glued them above the windows.
 to make a simple book, I used some scrap cloth I had lying around, and small cardboard, hot glued the cloth around the cardboard, leaving room in the middle for the paper. I then folded some paper and glued it in.
 Now for my favorite! the Piano 
I started with a medium size stick, cut off the rounded ends and added my piano keys
(somehow they didn't come out perfect! would recommend using a ruler!)
 I then began to construct my piano. I would recommend finding a box the right size if possible. I didn't have one on hand, so I made my own.
 I created wood sides. if I had a box, I would have covered the box in wood.
 then added the keyboard and other pieces of wood to make it look like a piano. I kind of made it up as I went a long.

 I also added `foot peddles' and feet.
This is the finished product.

 and in the back is a hidden book shelf or storage. I could have closed it in, but I felt it was wasted space.
 Happy Crafting

S.L. Kliever

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